Our Green Ocean & Woodland Coffee Updates

Aug 12, 2024 | News

We’re excited to share some fantastic updates about our Green Ocean and Woodland Coffees!

Green Ocean Coffee
In June 2024, our restoration activities continued in Clew Bay, Co. Mayo with the restoration of an additional 13 hectares of seabed (equivalent to 24 football pitches!) Working with our partners, Clew Bay Oyster Co-op, we spread 24 tonnes of scallop and oyster shell mix (cultch) over a 13 hectare area in the same vicinity where we started restoration in 2022. This area is designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) at the foot of Croagh Patrick in an area of breath-taking beauty. The updated map below highlights the difference between the area restored in 2022 and the newly restored area in 2024.

Additionally, our Green Ocean Carrickwee & Kish blends have each earned a star at the Great Taste Awards 2024! We’re thrilled at Watermark to see our Green Ocean Coffee recognised for these exceptional blends. Great Taste, the world’s largest and most trusted food and drink accreditation scheme, put our coffee to the test with over 500 expert judges. This achievement reflects our team’s dedication to maintaining the highest quality and taste standards for our coffee.


Woodland Coffee
Our Director, David Lawlor, and Business Development Manager, Siobhan Murtagh, made a quick visit to our Woodland Coffee woodland while on route to meet some customers in June. We’re delighted to share the updates they brought back from the woodland, which is in full bloom at the moment!

The alder trees have once again surprised us with their growth, reaching almost 18ft and higher. They are starting to make the young woodland look like much more than just a field. Our conifer trees are also thriving, nestled among grass teeming with biodiversity. Bees, various insects, wildflowers, and other wildlife can also be seen flourishing this summer, making our woodland a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem.


Direct From Farm Update                                                                                                              A few weeks ago, we received a happy update from Charles, one of our coffee farmers in Kenya.

Thanks to direct trade, Charles has been able to educate his children—two of whom are now in university, while another has been trained as a roaster and is working in Kenya’s coffee industry. Stories like Charles’s affirm our mission: investing in people, fostering sustainability, and ensuring that every cup of coffee you enjoy makes a positive impact.

It’s amazing to see how the work of our Woodland and Green Ocean Coffee is making a positive difference right here in Ireland and abroad. Thank you to our customers who keep supporting sustainability, biodiversity, and positive change!